
$37m plant’s concept design completed

Federation Council has been successful in receiving a grant from the NSW Government under the Safe and Secure Water Program to progress the Corowa Sewage Treatment Plant Project to the tender ready stage.

NSW Public Works have now completed the concept design for the site of Corowa Sewerage Treatment Plant and have commenced detailed design.

The current construction estimate for the work, including contingencies, is $37,074,000 as reported at Federation Council’s latest monthly meeting on May 28.

“This will be continually revised as detailed design is completed, expected to be by the end of June, 2024,” council’s director engineering services Theo Panagopoulos said.

He was providing a report on the progress update on the treatment plant.

Federation Council has been successful in receiving a grant from the NSW Government under the Safe and Secure Water Program to progress the Corowa Sewage Treatment Plant Project to the tender ready stage.

The existing Corowa Sewage Treatment Plant is a trickling filter type sewage treatment plant which was commissioned in 1952 and is now at the end of its design service life of 70 years.

Replacement of the existing plant is required to provide continued reliability, improve environmental outcomes and provide for continued growth for the township of Corowa.

NSW Public Works have been engaged to undertake this project. The scope of the works includes an Options Study that included:

•loading projections to determine suitable plant capacity and potential staging, if required

•selecting an appropriate sewage treatment process to meet the effluent quality requirements

•assessing effluent disposal via direct discharge to the Murray River and continued reuse by irrigation

•assessing potential locations for the new STP site for the preferred treatment process option

•a preliminary environmental and planning overview (PEPO) of potential STP sites to help inform the site selection process and identify the preferred site

•a budgetary cost estimate of the proposed works

•an Options Report which will include details of all the investigations.

“This report identified a preferred site at 311 Redlands Road Way, Corowa (Lot 2 DP 852272), which is part of the tree lot adjacent to the Corowa Aerodrome,” the director engineering services said.