
$5000 for railway museum

Bill Rowlands, Anne Dudley, Christie Watkins, Margaret McLeod, Maree and Allan Matheson, Bill Judd, Kath Williams and Sid Dudley accept a cheque for the Finley Pioneer Museum from Finley Menshed's Garry Blackney.

Members of the Finley Pioneer Museum management committee would like to thank members of Finley MenShed for their recent donation of $5000.

“This will help considerably with plans to update our display cabinets and photo displays for our memorabilia and photo collection, thus preserving these items for the future,” Sid Dudley commented.

To meet the challenges of regional Australia in the late 1800s, Finley was the first sparsely settled town selected for a Pioneer Railway. This was an American style railway to link regional areas to boost trade and travel, but at low cost due to the harsh economic conditions of the time.

When the railway arrived in Finley on September 16, 1898, the station had no fences, and the tracks were laid without stone ballast which allowed the railway to be built at a third of the cost of the standard railway built from Narrandera to Jerilderie.

Finley Pioneer Rail Museum is open for inspection upon request by phoning 5883 1543, 5883 1354 or 5883 1677.


The Finley RSL Sub-branch members would like to express their thanks for the assistance given by Finley High School students with rose planting at Finley Memorial Park recently.

Several of the memorial rose bushes needed replacing and the boys very capably and efficiently removed them, and planted 45 new roses to remember those who fought so hard to give us the freedom we have today.

School teacher Alex Hay was justifiably proud of these young men, as should their parents be.

Finley High School’s leadership group working at Finley Memorial Park.


An enthusiastic crowd came together at the Finley RS Club last Thursday to hear Associate Professor Alam’s presentation on understanding dementia.

This was part of the ‘Unlocking Hope No. 10 – Understanding Dementia’ education undertaken by the Berrigan Shire Dementia Alliance, which is proving very successful.

Dr Alam was able to enlighten those present, in a casual and comfortable way, on what to expect as we get older and ways to prevent the onset of this disorder.

He quoted many statistics associated with dementia, however it was the advice to keep as active as possible and stay connected with the community that really resonated with those present. Social interaction, exercise and connection can help immensely.

Dr Alam was introduced by chairperson Helen McRae, a member of LHAC, who gave a comprehensive overview of how Berrigan Shire Dementia Alliance came into operation.

The alliance is sanctioned by the Berrigan Shire Council, meets regularly, is auspiced by Finley Regional Care and shares its activities and minutes with Dementia Australia. One of the first activities of the alliance was the creation of an action plan which has been formally approved by Dementia Australia.

One of the ultimate aims of the alliance is to make Berrigan a Dementia Friendly Shire.

“Education, support and inclusion are the tools we can use to make this happen,” Mrs McRae said.

‘Unlocking Hope No. 11 – Understanding Dementia’ will be held at the Finley RS Club on Thursday October 10 - 10.15am for a 10.30am start.

Associate Professor Alam Youusuff and Helen McRae at the Berrigan Shire Dementia Alliance presentation.


The 2024 winter season of the Finley Lions Club wood raffle came to an end on Saturday with Gary Maher being the winner.

At the completion, a draw of tickets sold over the last few months was made to determine the winner of the sturdy fire pit made by John O’Rourke. Colin ‘Spud’ Drury was the lucky winner.

This is the second fire pit ‘Spud’ has been fortunate to win, having been successful once before and donating it to the Tocumwal Angling Club. Well done, Spud.

Colin 'Spud' Drury, winner of the fire pit, with Finley Lions Club members Gavin Butcher, John O’Rourke and president Steve McRae.


If you are looking for an exciting and interesting way to spend a Sunday morning, then be sure to go along to the Southern Riverina Vehicle and Machinery Club’s Show & Shine and Swap meet taking place at the Finley showgrounds this Sunday.

Gates will be open at 7am and registration must be completed by 11am. Presentation of trophies will take place at 12.30pm.

The organisers would like to take this opportunity to thank the business houses for their continued support.

Adding to the attraction this year will be a Best Children’s Decorated Bike competition, face painting, donuts, coffee van, chip van and, of course, members of Finley Lions Club will be there on the barbecue.

For more, call Graeme Hendy on 0427 830 268.


Ben, Shane, Dianne, Charlie, Jack, Olivia and Harry Crawford celebrated Shane’s 55th birthday.

Dianne Crawford was delighted to spend time with her son Shane and his family to help celebrate his 55th birthday recently.

Ex-Hawthorn player Shane reportedly had a great weekend - birthday celebrations, Hawthorn won in the elimination round of AFL and his horse won at Moonee Valley.

No doubt his bubble burst a little with Hawthorn losing to Port Adelaide on Friday night.


Anyone wanting straw for their garden is welcome to help themselves to the used straw at the showgrounds. A large quantity can be found in the cattle pavilions and stables.


Items for ‘From Finley’ may be submitted by phoning 0428 293 922, emailing, or left at the Southern Riverina News office. Please include a contact name and phone number.