
$8m investment to spark projects and jobs in regional Victoria

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Fuelling growth: The Victorian Government is offering $8million worth of grants to boost regional tourism projects across the state. Photo by FiledIMAGE

One in 11 jobs in regional Victoria exist because of tourism, and the Victorian Government is hoping to help businesses bring more regional tourism projects to life.

Premier Jacinta Allan and Tourism, Sport and Major Events Minister Steve Dimopoulos visited the redesigned Bendigo Planetarium to launch the latest round of the Enabling Tourism Fund.

The fund focuses on bringing forward regional tourism concepts and preparing them for investment.

It has already supported the Bendigo Art Gallery and others across the state.

The new round of funding will make up to $8 million available to create a pipeline of more tourism infrastructure and jobs.

Grants between $20,000 and $500,000 are open to tourism businesses, not-for-profits, Traditional Owner organisations and more.

Acknowledging the offerings of regional Victoria, Ms Allan said she was looking forward to what exciting projects these grants could fund.

“Regional Victoria has so much to offer, and we want to add to the list, because more regional tourism means more regional jobs,” she said.

The Victorian Government will deliver the grants in two streams, the first providing support to test the concept of a large new infrastructure project, like a feasibility study or masterplan.

The second stream funds detailed design packages, funding strategies or community engagement plans.

Both are vital to attracting more significant investments and getting projects to become a reality.

Mr Dimopoulos said this funding was crucial for sustaining regional tourism.

“Regional tourism projects attract visitors and jobs, but first they have to attract investment, and that’s where this funding comes in,” he said.

The fund adheres to five key experience priorities that showcase Victoria’s strengths: First Peoples-led experiences, wellness, arts and culture, food and drink, and nature.

A new guide for tourism operators will also help them deliver projects ready for investment.

Applications for the Enabling Tourism Fund are open until Friday, March 28.

For more information about the grants and the new guide, visit