
A century of Legacy commemorated with special concert in Benalla

Talented: The Australian Army Band Melbourne will perform in Benalla on October 8. Photo by contributed

A treat is in store for the Rose City’s music lovers on Sunday, October 8.

The Australian Army Band Melbourne is headed to Benalla’s Town Hall to commemorate the centenary of Legacy at the invitation of its Benalla/Euroa/Violet Town branch.

The band, formed in 1940, has been at the forefront of military music ever since, and the Benalla performance will feature its special 25-piece concert band.

Legatee Graham Heywood said it had selected a unique program showcasing wonderful music from the past 100 years.

“Legacy is indeed grateful to have the Australian Army Band Melbourne promoting its centenary,” Mr Heywood said.

“What is Legacy, you may well ask?

“Legacy was formed in Melbourne on September 25, 1923, to care for the widows and dependants of those who gave their lives and health serving our country during war.”

It was founded by Stanley Savige, the eldest of seven children, born into a poor family at Korumburra, near Morwell, in 1890.

“Times were harsh,” Mr Heywood said.

“The building bust had an impact on all and eventually led to a depression in the late 1890s.

“Young Savige left school at 12, and there was no money for a secondary education.

“He worked his way into middle management in retail, taught Sunday school and was a Scoutmaster.

“Savige enlisted in the army and trained at Broadmeadows.

“He dominated with his marksmanship and was told his accuracy scores were the best recorded since army records had begun more than 30 years earlier.”

He enlisted as a Private, serving at Gallipoli, then the Western Front.

“He was pulled from the horrors and mud of Pozieres, Bullecourt and Passchendaele by the London high command to participate with British officers in an elite squad to rescue 70,000 Christian Armenians and Assyrians in Northern Persia,” Mr Heywood said.

“These people were being systematically annihilated by Turkish and Kurdish forces.

“Australian-Assyrian community leaders still commemorate Savige’s role in saving their countrymen in 1918.”

In World War II, he served in the Mediterranean and Pacific conflicts.

“No individual in the nation’s history served the country better in peace and war than Stan Savige,” Mr Heywood said.

“Thus was the life and service of Legatee Savige, Legacy’s founder. Lieutenant General Sir Stanley Savige, KBE, CB, DSO, MC, ED.

“We invite you to commemorate the centenary of Legacy and hope to see you at the Benalla Town Hall to hear this fabulous band.”

The concert starts at 2pm on Sunday, October 8.

Afternoon tea will be supplied following the concert. Entry is a gold coin donation.