A full house for volunteers expo

Annette McCulloch, Heather Ross and Barb Davis from Naponda Hospital Auxiliary.

The Deniliquin Town Hall’s auditorium was filled with people who make important contributions to our community on Wednesday, for the inaugural Volunteers Expo and morning tea.

Volunteer organisation stalls were located around the outside of the large room, while tables and chairs were set up in the centre so volunteers could sit and enjoy the catering provided.

The expo was coordinated by the Deniliquin Mental Health Awareness Group, in conjunction with Deniliquin U3A and with funding support from Edward River Council.

Rita Jefferies and Ingrid Greve from Meals on Wheels.
Ellen Hay and Katie Taylor from the Deni Ute Muster.
Ellie Dankert, Gill Fraser and Peter Papandriopoulos from Edward River Council.
Luke Harrington from Riding for the Disabled and Wes Follett from Deni VRA Rescue.
Maddie Clear and Shane Hargrave from the State Emergency Service southern zone.
Neville Lester and Emma Edwards from Intereach.
Lee Thommers and Bernadette Werner from Navorina Nursing Home.
Helen Burnham, Alison Wilson and Marlene McGay from Deni U3A.
Kellie Crossley and Cathy Cleary from Deniliquin CanAssist.
Tony Cullenward learns about an historic tar brand from Deniliquin & District Historical Society member Jan Renwick.
Iain Goodway and David McPherson from Deniliquin Rotary.
Lourene Liebenberg, Molly Barnes and Rachelle Austin from Deniliquin Mental Health Awareness Group.
Sandra Cooke and Lynne Davis from the Deniliquin Pink Ladies.
Jodie Graham and Don Ward from the NSW Rural Fire Service Mid Murray Zone.
Louise Graham and Jo Evans.
John Tonkin and Jim Hetherington from Deniliquin Menshed.