
A fur-tunate tale | Beloved pet to be reunited with family after going missing during October floods

Going home: Vet nurse Mia Pettifer with cat Amberley South.

A Seymour district cat’s journey will reach a happy conclusion this week when she is reunited with her owners after being lost during last year’s floods.

Amberley South was dropped at Seymour Veterinary Surgery on Thursday, May 26 by a Tallarook family who had been caring for her after she turned up at their home.

The nurses at Seymour Veterinary Clinic took the cat in and scanned her microchip.

“The cat was found in Tallarook and they have been looking after it for a while trying to get her friendly enough to bring her in,” vet nurse Felicity Hyde said.

“She’s quite chunky, well cared for. These people that had been looking after her had been looking after her really well. She is in really good nick.”

After scanning the microchip, the nurses were able to track down the cat’s owners, an army family that did live at Puckapunyal but since the October floods had been posted to Townsville, Queensland.

Vet nurse Maree Hutchinson was able to call the family to share the good news.

“It just goes to show that making sure your microchip details are up to date really makes a difference,” Ms Hyde said.

“We rang them when the cat came in. The husband said ‘we thought that cat had been lost in the floods’.”

There was no shortage of volunteers to provide Amberley with a home. The Tallarook family who were caring for her were also willing to take her in should her owners not be located.

However, her owners said they were thrilled to have Amberley back and would arrange her transportation to Queensland.