
A reminder about shared zones

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Community hub: Maude St is a busy place, with many people sharing the road. Photo by Megan Fisher

Greater Shepparton City Council is reminding community members of the shared zone in Maude St between Fryers St and High St, which has a 20km/h speed limit.

Council officers and traders have witnessed a high number of cars speeding along the shared stretch of road, creating a dangerous environment for pedestrians, cyclists and other vehicles.

A shared zone is an area utilised by both pedestrians and vehicular traffic.

Once inside a shared zone, pedestrians have the right of way, which means vehicles, including bicycles, must slow down and sometimes stop to ensure pedestrians are able to move through the zone safely.

Council director of sustainable development Geraldine Christou urged the community to follow the road rules and signage in place.

“It is really important that as a community, we adhere to the shared zone laws and give way to pedestrians at all times. By following these laws, we can help prevent accidents and keep ourselves and others safe,” she said.

Greater Shepparton Business Network president Stephen Schneider highlighted the need to be considerate of other road users when travelling through the shared zone.

“While all road users should be mindful of one another, it is especially important for people operating a vehicle to be aware of vulnerable road users in these areas,” he said.