
Act now for Rural Finance flood support

Impacted: Somerset Heritage Produce in Seymour was submerged in the October 2022 floods.

Primary producers affected by the October floods can apply for financial support through through Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, but must do so before the April 30 deadline.

Four streams of assistance remain open, in a Commonwealth and Victorian Government partnership.

However, applications for these funding arrangements, as listed below, will close at 4pm on April 30.

• The Victorian Primary Producer Flood Recovery Grant allows up to $75,000 to support clean-up, relief and recovery efforts.

• The Victorian Rural Landholder Grant allocates up to $25,000 to help rural landholders who have an eligible smaller-scale primary production enterprise with clean-up, relief and recovery efforts.

• The Victorian Primary Producer Flood Recovery Transport Support Program is a subsidy of up to $15,000 paid at 50 per cent of total costs to pay for the transport of emergency fodder or stock drinking water, and moving stock to agistment, sale or slaughter.

• The Victorian Primary Producer Flood Recovery Concessional Loan is a loan of up to $250,000 to restore or replace damaged assets, and meet general expenses incurred while the clean-up is under way.

State Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland is encouraging primary producers to get in touch with Rural Finance if they are unsure of what funding they may be eligible for.

“The ag sector is the driving force of our regional economies,” she said.

“I hope this financial assistance provides the ability to look to the future with some optimism after an incredibly difficult period.

“Many primary producers have been flat out with harvest, clean-ups and everyday life. It is important applications are completed before April 30.

“Even if you are a small-scale primary production enterprise, you may be eligible for funding to cover costs associated with your flood recovery.”

Anyone unsure about their situation is advised to call Rural Finance on 1800 260 425.

More information on financial support can be found at