
Adult learners come from all over

Deniliquin U3A members Beth Coffey, Sue McMillan, Gill Fraser, Phyllis Ball and Helen Burnham.

Adult learners from as far away as Newcastle and Ulladulla made their way to Deniliquin this week for the two day University of the Third Age (U3A) State Conference.

Held Tuesday and Wednesday at the Deniliquin RSL Club, the learners participated in a number of theoretical and interactive sessions hosted by local and visiting tutors.

The event was hosted by Deniliquin U3A with assistance from the U3A NSW Network’s conference team.

Keith Finnie from Newcastle and Graeme Swift from Canberra.
Deniliquin U3A member Sue Gatacre with guest tutor Barb Anderson.
Christine and Bede Wade made the trip from Shellharbour.
Kiama U3A members Gloria Jeffrey and Janet Granger.
Wagga Wagga U3A members Daphne Carswell and Shirley SInclair.
Val Goudie from Leeton and Laurene Mulcahy from Milton/Ulladulla.
Bateman's Bay U3A members Dianne Grigson and Chris Sweeney with Christine Bolton from Penrith.
U3A NSW Network president Denis Simond from Shoalhaven, U3A State Alliance Network chair Glen Wall from Whittlesea and Blue Mountains U3A president David Davis from Penrith.