
Ajax and Carter — setting casual canine fashion trends

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Family: Sharleen Bachelor enjoys a cuddle with Carter (left) and Ajax (right). Photo by Megan Fisher

Wintry weather is a signal for Carter and Ajax to don their pyjamas.

And it’s not just pyjamas the dogs can often be found wearing.

The dogs have a whole wardrobe of their own — a large array of clothing made for dogs sits tucked away in a corner of the home.

All about the style: Carter and Ajax’s outfit station is filled with a range of different looks. Photo by Megan Fisher

“This is their little outfit station,” Ajax’s owner Sharleen Bachelor said, as she pulled each of the clothing items out.

“They’ve got summer outfits, knitted jumpers and an Oodie, a bit of everything.”

When they’re not walking around looking snazzy in their ‘fits’, they’re having a cuddle with their owners or running around after each other.

Carter and Ajax are the best of friends; they’re not siblings, but they almost could be with their similar clothing choices, love for each other and their owners, and their abundance of energy.

Best of friends: Carter and Ajax love playing with each other and getting attention from their owners. Photo by Megan Fisher

Ajax is Ms Bachelor’s dog, and eventually become her assistance dog once it became apparent how in tune Ajax was to her emotional and physical health.

“I initially didn’t want another dog, I lost my last assistance dog quite suddenly and I didn’t think I wanted to do it again,” Ms Bachelor said.

“Evan, my partner, really wanted a dog and I said, okay, we’ll get a dog — you choose it, you do it, I don’t want anything to do with it.

“But then he (Ajax) started picking up on my emotions and if I was in pain or anything like that, he’d be aware of it as a puppy.”

Support: Ajax has been an assistance dog to Sharleen for three years. Photo by Megan Fisher

Ms Bachelor has several health conditions but having Ajax has meant it’s been a little bit easier.

“He’s been a godsend with helping me, and since we’ve had him, I’ve had five surgeries and he’s been there with me through that whole thing,” Ms Bachelor said.

The American Staffie is only three years old but already well trained and certified as an assistance dog. He’s as well-behaved as they come.

A loyal companion: Ajax loves having cuddles with Sharleen. Photo by Megan Fisher

Carter is a cross English Staffie and red heeler.

She belongs to Rosemary Hedges, the mother of Ms Bachelor’s partner, who not long ago moved into the couple’s home.

Like Ajax, Carter seems to be in tune with how her owner is feeling.

“Carter gets really cuddly when I’m not having a good day,” Ms Hedges said.

“She’s that sort of dog that once you start patting her she’s a friend for life.”

Stop for a pat: Carter loves attention from owner Rosemary Hedges. Photo by Megan Fisher

Despite being nearly 15 years old, Carter still displays puppy-like affection, and though not nearly as active as Ajax, remains full of energy.

“When Ajax wants to play it’s on Carter’s terms because he can be very boisterous, but then Carter will let Ajax know when she’s had enough,” Ms Hedges said.

“But she will steal Ajax’s toys,” Ms Bachelor said.

“She stacks them up if he’s got one in his mouth and when he puts it down she’ll go and grab it and go off with it.

“It’s like, you’re nearly 15 honey, you need to calm down before you break your hip.”

Puppy dog eyes: Carter may be edging towards 15, but she still knows how to look cute. Photo by Megan Fisher
Caught by the camera: Ajax stops for a big yawn. Photo by Megan Fisher

But when it comes down to it, both women appreciate the comfort and companionship Ajax and Carter bring to the household.

“We love the companionship,” Ms Hedges said.

“You could have a really terrible day or you’re just not feeling it, they don’t expect anything from you, they’re just happy to see you and be here,” Ms Bachelor said.

Snazzy: Ajax rocks the pyjama look. Photo by Megan Fisher