
Alison overcomes adversity to get life-changing job with help of APM

Helping hand: APM Employment Consultant Jennifer Shedden, Alison Buerckner and APM Business Manager Janelle Dinnie. Photo by Simon Ruppert

When staff at employment services group APM Benalla met Alison Buerckner she had low self-esteem, was in financial hardship and had ongoing medical problems as a result of living with cancer.

Alison is also a single mother to five children aged from their teens to their early 20s.

She felt that she could not work and did not have any previous experience to draw on.

APMs Janelle Dinnie and her team built rapport and trust with Alison and after some consultation identified that she enjoys helping people and the elderly community.

With encouragement, Alison embarked on an education journey in her late 40s, beginning a Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing).

APM assisted with the course costs and a tablet for her to use.

Alison put in the hard work, and the team celebrated each milestone with her.

As she approached the end of her course, the Benalla team assisted with her placement in an aged care facility in Euroa.

Before heading off for her placement the team offered to give her a little makeover.

APM were able to organise a lovely local hairdresser and purchased some new outfits for her.

By now Alison’s confidence had started growing.

After her placement the staff and the clients all asked about her. She was immediately employed.

APM helped with fuel, covering the cost of tyres on her car and relevant employment checks so she was able to quickly secure the position.

Alison has very recently reached her 52-week milestone and is now a valued member of staff.

Ms Dinnie remembers Alison visiting the office not long ago and she described how her life had changed.

“She looks amazing, feels amazing and said she would not have been able to have the confidence to do this without APM,” Ms Dinnie said.

Ms Buerckner said the experience had changed her life.

“With this change, my mental health and financial situation is so different and improved,” Ms Buerckner said.

“I can take the kids for a meal and afford to enjoy life with my family.

“We went out for dinner for my birthday, and we have even had a family holiday to Tasmania.”