
Ambience Bakery Café celebrates butterfly effect

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Butterfly effect: The box for patrons to put a wish for where they want the donated money to go. Photo by Gabriel Garcia

Ambience Bakery Café is celebrating the butterfly effect this month, to coincide with R U OK? Day.

The Butterfly Effect initiative runs from September 1 to 20, with R U OK? Day on September 14.

Bakery owner Renee Lincoln said her grandmother inspired the initiative.

“It’s in remembrance of my grandma ... her birthday is on the 20th of September,” Ms Lincoln said.

The initiative’s theme is butterflies and rainbows, with the butterflies symbolising the rippling effect of giving and the rainbows symbolising happiness.

The campaign will see money raised go to a cause suggested by a Cobram resident.

On September 20, Ms Lincoln will choose a winner from the submitted suggestions.

Participants can make suggestions via a box in the Ambience Bakery Café or online.

Money will come from Ambience’s profits and any donations Ms Lincoln receives.

“I’m going to donate $1000. I’m also going to do promotions through the shop for three weeks. And out of that, money that I raised will go towards (the cash pot) as well,” Ms Lincoln said.

“(The promotions) might be cupcakes one day; might be a slice the next day.”

Furthermore, September 20 will see Ms Lincoln donate money for a pampering session for residents of aged care facility Irvin House.

Ms Lincoln said that, once again, the idea of a pampering session came from her grandmother.

“She was in a nursing home for the last couple of years ... what my grandmother loved in the nursing home was getting her nails painted,” Ms Lincoln said.

“So we’re going to have a pampering day for all the women.”

Ms Lincoln said she enjoyed assisting others.

“I just get a lot of satisfaction,” she said.

“I’m in a situation where my business can fund it. I get more enjoyment out of knowing that I’m helping people silently on the side.”

For those who read the Courier, a butterfly coupon can be cut out to write down a suggestion.