
Ambulance response times under fire from Nationals

Not good enough: State Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland calls for improved ambulance response times across the region.

Victorian ambulance response times have increased for the third consecutive quarter.

State Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland said Code 1 call-outs were experiencing concerning delays across the region.

In the October to December 2022 quarter, the average response time for a Code 1 call-out across Mitchell Shire increased by one minute and 43 seconds, with 50.1 per cent of ambulances arriving within the target time of 15 minutes.

Ms Cleeland said the call-out wait time had increased by more than three minutes since 2014.

“Three extra minutes of waiting for urgent support is an eternity in an emergency. This can be the difference between life and death,” she said.

“People in our region should have the confidence to know that when they call 000, the phone will be picked up and the ambulance will be there on time.

“To be waiting nearly 20 minutes for an ambulance in the Mitchell Shire is completely unacceptable.”

Ms Cleeland said the data outlining these increases in times was overdue and released the day after parliament had finished sitting.

The Victorian Government has been approached for comment.