
Annabelle Cleeland announced as Nationals candidate for Euroa

Euroa candidate (centre) Annabelle Cleeland with Victorian Nationals leader Peter Walsh and deputy leader Emma Kealy.

Annabelle Cleeland is the Nationals candidate for the state seat of Euroa at the coming Victorian election.

The decision was made after a preselection ballot on Wednesday, August 10.

Ms Cleveland said she was honoured, excited about working with the local community and focused on attracting investment to the region.

“I will work to narrow the investment gap between city and country health services, fight for high-speed train connectivity and attract investment in tourism to increase the region’s destination identity,” she said.

Ms Cleeland and her family run a superfine merino wool property and bee apiary in Tarcombe.

Her previous work included multiple regional and agricultural journalism positions.

The Nationals Victorian president Neil Pankhurst said that Ms Cleeland will complete the Nationals team in time for the state election.

He believed that her experiences of living and working in the regions meant she understood the issues that affected regional Victorians.

“Annabelle has already been an influential voice for regional Victoria through her previous work and knows what it will take to deliver for our region,” Mr Pankhurst said.