
Anne Sparks takes top award as Benalla Police honoured by Rotary

Recognised: Acting Sergeant Brad Jones, Senior Constable Tim Pelly, Senior Sergeant Mark Byers, Senior Constable Jax Brown and Senior Constable Anne Sparks. Photo by Simon Ruppert

The Rotary Club of Benalla held its annual Community Police Person of the Year award on Thursday, November 2, with four officers recognised.

Senior Constable Anne Sparks was named Community Police Person of the Year.

However, Rotary honoured all nominees for their excellent work during the past 12 months.

Rotary board member responsible for vocation Marcus Bolger welcomed guests to the evening.

“The Rotary Community Police Person of the Year award was initiated 10 years ago,” Mr Bolger said.

“It was felt, at that time, that there was little recognition for rural police.

“We wanted to recognise the outstanding work that Benalla police provide to our community to keep it safe and protected and to celebrate this in a public forum.

“Consequently, Mark Byers, the Senior Sergeant in charge of the Benalla Police, was approached to assist Rotary to set up this award.”

Mr Bolger said Benalla’s police officers live and work for the community and deserve recognition for the work that they do in often confronting or dangerous situations.

“The four nominees were considered by their superiors to meet our selection criteria by demonstrating outstanding service to the community and their overall work ethic in alignment with the seven police force values,” he said.

Those are respect, leadership, professionalism, support, integrity, safety and flexibility.

Mr Bolger said these aligned well with the values Rotarians lived by before announcing the winner.

“The Benalla Rotary Community Police Person of the Year award for 2023 is Leading Senior Constable Anne Sparkes,” he said.

“Her service to the Benalla community and her overall work ethic has been exceptional. Congratulations.”

The other three nominees were then called up and recognised for their dedication and performance.

They are Acting Sergeant Brad Jones, Senior Constable Tim Pelly and Senior Constable Jax Brown.

Congratulations from everyone at The Ensign.