
Anzac Ave masterplan

Big plans: Anzac Ave is set for an upgrade.

Anzac Ave has been selected for a makeover under Mitchell Shire Council’s capital works program. The first round of community consultation is under way.

A masterplan has been created to improve the Anzac Ave streetscape from the railway underpass to Delatite Rd, and includes proposed designs for road, footpath and streetscape improvements.

Traffic data has been collected and analysed for the masterplan.

The data found traffic capacity was well below the environmental capacity of the current four-lane, two-way road.

The summary of this data recommended reducing the avenue to a two-way, two-lane configuration and building flexibility into the streetscape to allow for projected future growth should it eventuate.

The summary also recommended additional pedestrian crossings, establishing high-quality off-road cycling facilities, and removing some parking to accommodate other project objectives such as a greener streetscape.

The re-establishment of an Avenue of Honour and a link to the Great Victorian Rail Trail have also been identified for the project.

The current round of consultation is intended to raise the project’s profile and gain feedback before a design is created.

This round of consultation’s final face-to-face drop-in session will be held on Thursday, September 29 from 9am to noon at Seymour Customer and Library Service Centre.

There is also an online survey open to residents to provide feedback. The survey will be open until 9am Friday, September 30. The link to the survey is at the end of the article.

A second round of consultation will be held in late November and early December after a plan is formulated.

December’s consultation will include a three-week online survey, three one-hour online sessions, and one community consultation drop-in session in Chittick Park.

To view the Anzac Ave masterplan proposal, or complete the survey, visit