
Archibald Prize winner donates three portraits to Benalla Gallery

Impressive: Peter Wegner's portrait of Benalla's Bill Gregory OAM. Mr Gregory, a very popular long-term resident of Benalla, sadly passed away in July, 2022. Photo by Bernie Phelan Media

Benalla Art Gallery has confirmed a gift of three portraits by 2021 Archibald Prize winner, Peter Wegner.

The portraits, depicting local centenarians Gene Fuleky, Bill Gregory, and Sylvia Draeger, were offered by the artist at the launch of his current Benalla Art Gallery exhibition on Friday, July 1.

These works connect Benalla to the artist’s landmark centenarians project, which commenced in 2013 when Wegner drew his aunty Rita.

To date Wegner has completed more than 100 centenarian portraits, including a drawing of Guy Warren which was the genesis for the 2021 Archibald Prize winning painting.

Benalla Art Gallery director Eric Nash said it was a magnificent acquisition.

“Work by one of the country’s leading artists with direct local relevance ... will complement a strong suite of portraits and figurative works already in the collection,” Mr Nash said,

“These include works by fellow Archibald Prize winning artists such as W. B. McInnes, John Longstaff, George W. Lambert, Arthur Murch, William Dargie, William Dobell, Louis Kahan, Ray Crooke and Yvette Coppersmith.”

In offering the gift, Mr Wegner said he was keen to see the works remain with the community.

“I have included in the footnotes of these drawings notations which may offer small glimpses into the lives of these centenarians,” Mr Wegner said.

Benalla centenarian Sylvia Draeger, who celebrated her 101st birthday the weekend following the exhibition launch, said the secret to a long life [is] to take one day at a time.

Perhaps it’s a family secret, with Ms Draeger also mentioning her sister Alice who lived to 103.

Consistent across Mr Wegner’s conversations is a sense that no-one ever truly feels their age.

Mim Edgar, who he drew in 2018, said when she was sitting down she felt 16. When standing up she felt 100.

Mr Wegner will also present a portrait masterclass at Benalla Gallery on Saturday, August 27.

During the workshop he will unpack his previous work and process while guiding participants to develop skills to capture the sitter for likeness and unique style.

Mr Nash said the workshop was a unique opportunity for local artists to not only meet and converse with Wegner in a relaxed setting, but to spend an afternoon gaining technical insight.

Booking details are available at

The exhibition Peter Wegner: The Centenarians is on display at Benalla Gallery until Sunday, August 28.