
Are you satisfied with council?

Have your say: Greater Shepparton City Council's community feedback survey will be open until Wednesday, June 22. Photo by unknown

Residents can let Greater Shepparton City Council know how they feel about its performance in the Community Satisfaction Survey.

Director corporate services Chris Teitzel said the survey, which is open until Wednesday, June 22, informed council whether it was meeting community expectations.

“The survey aims to gather impressions on a number of services, facilities and activities council provides,” he said.

“It will provide insight into ways council can improve service delivery. All information gathered will be used to provide ongoing improvements for Greater Shepparton.”

Mr Teitzel said residents who received a phone call could be assured it was a legitimate survey conducted on behalf of council.

Council would like to reassure residents no personal details will be asked for during the survey, only questions relating to demographics and Council performance.

If you receive a phone call claiming to be Greater Shepparton City Council asking to update personal information we advise you to end the call and contact the police immediately on (03) 5820 5777.