
August pet care tips for our furry friends

Furry friends: This week's Paws and Claws features ways to keep your pets warm during the winter months. Photo by Simon Ruppert

Paws and Claws is a regular column submitted to the Ensign by PetStock.

Greetings to all the pet-loving folks in Regional Victoria. As we embrace the colder days of August, it’s time to cater to the unique needs of our furry companions.

Our pets rely on us to keep them happy, healthy, and cosy during the cooler weather, so let’s dive into some essential pet care tips for August:

  1. Stay warm and dry: Just like us, our pets need warmth and shelter from the cold. Ensure your outdoor pets have access to a dry, insulated shelter that protects them from rain and wind. For indoor pets, consider providing cosy blankets or beds in warm areas of your home, away from drafts;
  2. Grooming matters: Regular grooming is crucial during the winter months. Brushing your pets not only keeps their coat in top condition but also helps to remove loose fur and reduce shedding. This practice is especially important for long-haired breeds;
  3. Paw care: Icy roads and pavements can be harsh on your pet’s paws. Before and after walks, wipe their paws with a damp cloth to remove any ice or de-icing chemicals they might have picked up. You can also consider using pet-safe paw balms to protect their paw pads from cracking;
  4. Exercise indoors: While exercise is essential for your pet’s physical and mental health, outdoor activities may not always be comfortable during the cold weather. Engage your pets in indoor games and exercises, such as fetch or interactive toys, to keep them active and entertained;
  5. Nutritious diet: Keep a close eye on your pet’s weight during the winter months. With reduced activity levels, they may be prone to weight gain. Speak to your veterinarian about adjusting their diet if needed and consider incorporating warming foods like broths or stews (avoid ingredients toxic to pets);
  6. Heed the sniffles: Just like humans, pets can also catch colds. Watch out for symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, or nasal discharge. If you notice any signs of illness, contact your veterinarian promptly for appropriate care;
  7. Fireplace safety: If you have a fireplace or use a space heater, ensure your pets are supervised around them. Keep curious paws away from open flames, and screen off fireplaces to prevent accidents;
  8. Secure fencing and enclosures: Winter storms can sometimes cause damage to fences and enclosures. Check them regularly to ensure your pets remain safely contained in your yard;
  9. Maintain routine: Amidst the cosy vibes, try to maintain your pet’s regular routine as much as possible. Stick to their usual feeding times, exercise schedule, and playtime. Consistency helps them feel secure and loved; and
  10. ID and microchipping: Winter weather and festivities might lead to more open doors and potential escapes. Make sure your pets have proper identification, and ensure your contact details are up to date, especially if they are microchipped.

By following these tips, we can ensure our furry friends have a delightful and safe August.

Remember, pets thrive on love and attention, so shower them with plenty of cuddles and playtime even during the coldest days. Stay warm and cherish the joy that our pets bring into our lives.