

In recent years, we have seen a trend in the beef cattle industry to moderate the size of the cattle to a more sustainable beef animal.

We have seen that these smaller-framed cattle are more appreciated in a grass-fed environment. Australian Heritage Angus are a perfect fit for this market, offering graziers the quality of Angus breeding combined with the constitution of cattle that can finish on grass.

Cattle convert grasses and other food stuffs that people cannot eat into a protein source for human consumption. Australian Heritage Angus are perfectly suited to do the job, converting grass and pastures into delicious, succulent, premium-grade beef.

Australian Heritage Angus are a blend of heritage Angus genetics sourced from cattle that are directly descended from pre-1968 Angus cattle. There are three main groups that are the source of Australian Heritage Angus genetics.

First are the ‘native bred’ Angus cattle from Scotland. These cattle are directly descended from the original Angus cattle in Scotland.

Scottish cattle have been bred for hundreds of years to thrive in an extreme climate on their native grasslands. This inherent do-ability equips them for the extremes of the Australian climate — from droughts in the north to lush wet pastures in the south. They are perfectly suited to a grass-fed operation, making the most opportunity of seasons and the available grasses.

The second group is Angus cattle from New Zealand that have been maintained in a closed herd since 1968. These cattle have very similar traits to the native Angus of Scotland.

The last group is Angus cattle brought into Australia by the Trangie DPI research station in the early 20th century, the descendants of which are now known as Lowline cattle.

Australian Heritage Angus are either black or red. The cattle should be 130cm for the show ring (about frame score 4).

Bulls need to exhibit good muscling with adequate fat cover, with an emphasis on retail meat yield. Cows need to show great maternal characteristics, plenty of milk for good calf growth and unassisted calving.

Australian Heritage Angus have a quiet temperament that facilitates ease of handling and this increases meat quality. Perfect for the small farmer right through to commercial operations, Australian Heritage Angus will be a sound addition to your herd.

Australian Heritage Angus dominated the Queensland Royal shows in 2024 taking out the Small Breeds Interbreed Champion Bull and Female at both Toowoomba and Brisbane “Ekka” Royal Shows.