
Autumn firewood collection locations for Cobram residents unacceptable - McCurdy

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Free resources: State Member for Ovens Valley Tim McCurdy is urging residents to make use of the opportunity to collect free firewood for domestic use.

Ovens Valley residents can now collect firewood, however it may mean a long journey for those in Cobram and Yarrawonga.

Residents of the two towns would have to travel to Beechworth or Violet Town.

State Member for Ovens Valley Tim McCurdy has called it unacceptable.

“There are plenty of firewood collection locations in the King Valley and the Alpine Shire ... We should be giving fair and equal access to firewood collection to locals from Cobram and Yarrawonga, without making them drive for over an hour,” he said.

Mr McCurdy has notified the environment minister and said he hoped changes would be made.

He is urging those in the Ovens Valley to make use of the opportunity to prepare for the upcoming winter.

“I am pleased to see the autumn firewood season open for 2023, as this gives locals the opportunity to collect firewood and help utilise free heating.”

He is urging those collecting wood to be fair and ensure there is wood leftover for others.

Mr McCurdy pointed out that firewood collection was not only a free way to provide domestic heating but it also helped ensure community safety.

“The collection of firewood is a great way to help tidy up our national parks and crown land, and also a bushfire preventative.”