
Avenel and Euroa complete LEAP document

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Taking the leap: Avenel and Euroa have completed documents to refer to in the event of an emergency. Photo: Strathbogie Shire Council

Two more Strathbogie Shire towns have prepared their Local Emergency Action Plans for the LEAPing into Resilience project.

Avenel and Euroa have completed their LEAP document to follow or refer to during an emergency.

Various emergency agencies, such as the CFA, VicSES, Ambulance Victoria, Victoria Police, and Strathbogie Shire Council, collaborated with community steering committees to develop the plans.

Strathbogie Shire Council administrator Peter Stephenson said it was a credit to all the volunteers who had put in around 12 months’ work to complete the plans.

“These communities are now better able to respond during times of fire, flood or other emergencies,” Mr Stephenson said.

“These towns now have a reference document to direct residents in the event of an emergency.

“Being prepared is incredibly important — we know it can save lives.”

Strathbogie community members recently signed up to join their local steering committee, and Nagambie residents will be encouraged to do the same soon.

Avenel resident John Thomson said the group worked enthusiastically to prepare the document to guide residents should the need arrive.

“We worked methodically to identify all the contact details for emergency services and even if there was a flood where we could get sandbags,” Mr Thomson said.

“Included in our pack of information as well is a document that asks what residents would do in the first 72 hours of an emergency.

“We will be encouraging residents to consider and make that plan now, not during an emergency.”

A copy of the LEAP documants, along with more information about the initiative, can be found on council’s website: