
Avenel Equine Hospital holds launch event

Exciting: Avenel Equine Hospital co-ordinator Lauren Thurgood and director Katie Wilcox at the opening event.

Thoroughbreds, performance horses, ponies, winning racehorses and everything in between will all have a new port of call for emergency and routine surgical care in Avenel, with the launch of a new 24-hour equine hospital.

Though the hospital has been running for a month already, a launch party was held on Wednesday, March 29 where 120 customers, veterinarians, dignitaries and community members gathered to celebrate its opening.

Scone Equine Group purchased what was previously known as Stud and Stable Veterinarians owned by Fran and Terry Lowis nine years ago and developed the business into Avenel Equine Hospital.

Hospital co-ordinator Lauren Thurgood said the new equine hospital had been a part of the long-term plan of the business, with the building’s actual construction taking 12 months.

“In the last three or four years we have been developing, in the last two years we have been planning it and now here we are,” Ms Thurgood said.

“We’ve done a lot in a short period of time, we are very proud.”

The business will contribute to local employment and the small but strong community of Avenel.

“We are a growing team. I started in 2019 and we had five people; we now have 45 come the breeding season,” Ms Thurgood said.

“It’s been really busy, more than what we would have expected, which is great.

“Everyone is really excited to get in and get going and for everyone to be involved.”