
Award for dairy nutrition

Both a local yoghurt and milk product have each been recognised for their nutritional value. Photo by IGphotography

The nutritional value of two products from one of Victoria’s dairy producers has been rewarded by a nationwide food guide.

Saputo Dairy Australia (SDA) had one each of its light milks and yoghurts recognised at the Healthy Food Guide Awards

SDA’s Devondale light two per cent fat semi skim-milk won the best long-life milk award, while the company’s Liddells lactose-free plain yoghurt received top honours in the best lactose-free category.

SDA general manager of marketing and food service Zoey Saunders said the team was ‘thrilled’ to have the products recognised.

“Winning these awards embodies our commitment to providing high-quality, nutritious options for our valued customers and consumers,” Ms Saunders said.

“We are excited to continue delivering delicious products that help support a healthy lifestyle.”

The judges awarded the skim milk for having low saturated fat and a convenient stay-fresh pack.

The yoghurt won for its simple and natural ingredients, low-fat content and high calcium content.