
Award winning Mathoura teacher

Echuca CFA firefighters Chris Hawking, Charlee Amos, Shae Bruns, Lt Alex Green, Matthew Edgley, Daniel Phyland, Lt Jordan Simpson, Kaiden Ellis and Carter Williams after thier successful climb. Photo by Echuca CFA

Congratulations are extended to Mathoura Public School teacher, Rene Park, this week.

This follows a trip to Sydney where Mrs Park was presented with an Excellence in Teaching Award by Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell.

The award recognised Mrs Park as being an inspirational educator who consistently demonstrates high impact teaching practices and provides quality learning experiences for her students.

Rene achieves this by nurturing the whole child, ensuring every student flourishes and is motivated to reach their full potential.

Rene’s love of learning is shared by her students, empowering them to develop the skills to become lifelong learners while continuing to further extend her own knowledge of the evidence-based practices.

The award has been well received by the school community and acknowledged as being well deserved.


Local youngster Sophie Eddy is gaining a reputation for breaking things.

But they are the types of things that are a joy to break.

Sophie’s latest conquest has been in competition at the Deniliquin Little Athletics.

The eight year-old was the winner in the 800 metres event last Friday – and she did it in style.

She finished the event in record time – a record which had been held since 1996 – 18 years before she was born.

Fabulous effort Sophie, the Commonwealth Games and Olympics are looking very promising in your future.


Congratulations are in order for a popular local couple this week.

They are Renee Scaletti and Jesse Mitchellhill, who have recently announced their engagement.

I’m sure everyone will wish them well for the future.


Well done to Jordan Simpson on a great effort in Melbourne on Saturday.

Competing in the firefighters’ annual Stair Climb – all 28 floors of them - the 19 year-old former local lad completed the quest in 6 mins 22.177 seconds.

And he achieved it while wearing and carrying 25 kilos of kit.

Congratulations young man, you’ve certainly made your grandparents - and Mathoura - proud.

And what’s more, he’s resolved to do it all again next year.

Jordan is a Lieutenant in the Echuca Country Fire Authority.


If you would like to know how a NSW Department of Education Ambassador School operates, you can find out with just a few taps on the computer keyboard.

A departmental video created video on the Mathoura Public School can be viewed on the school’s Facebook page.

You’ll find the link by scrolling through the newsfeed, and finding the post September 9.


Mathoura Football Netball Club held its annual presentation event last weekend, and the club’s stars for the 2022 season were recognised.

The seniors football awards went to Best & Fairest Jack Duggan, runner-up Seth Wright, leading goalkicker Nick Ferrari, most determined Seth Wright, coach’s award winner Tom Creighton and rising star award recipient Kyle Magro.

A-grade netball award recipients were Best & Fairest Casey Parsons, runner-up Britt Edwards, coach’s award Rebecca McCluskey, most determined Casey Parsons and rising star Isabella Jachim

In B-grade, Kat Wippel was B&F and Molly Unwin was runner-up. The coach’s award went to Mackenzie Emery and most determined to Molly Unwin.

C-reserve’s B&F was Karli Unwin, and Remy Cathcart was runner-up. Coach’s award went to Isabelle Hausler and most determined to Fiona Thomas.

Congratulations to all award recipients.


And soon it will be three!

Mathoura Public School has again been successful in attracting a Rural Experience Teacher to its staff in 2023.

It will be the third such appointment, following on from Rachel Flett and Kylie Redman.

Mrs Flett spent 12 months here before returning to Sydney for a year.

She was later successful in an application for a permanent position here, so was on hand to welcome Mrs Redman and show her the ropes.

The scheme is fully funded by the NSW Department and provides considerable benefits for both the teachers involved and the school and local communities.