
Bargains found at Mathoura Town Sale

The Mathoura Timbercutters' recent Indigenous Round was a great success. Photo courtesy of Mathoura Football Club.

Full marks to Dani Joss on organising last weekend’s Town Sale.

Both locals and visitors had access to a lot of great ‘stuff’ at the sale which kicked off at 8.30am Sunday.

There were at least 11 sale participants all of whom were identified (along with their locations) on the material that was distributed.

Members of Mathoura’s Men’s Shed were among them, serving up some great Mathoura sausages with onions on the day.


The recent Mathoura Football/Netball Club Sponsors and Indigenous Round was one to remember by all who attended.

The sponsors were treated like the kings and queens they are regarded to be for their support, which has enabled Mathoura Football Netball Club to go from strength to strength.

And the club is very grateful.

The highlight of the ceremony for all was the dance performance by the young indigenous players.

Leader Uncle Des conducted a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony while digeridoos were played.

As well as showing off their dance routines, the youngsters also provided a guard of honour for Blighty players, the sponsors and others.


With technical issues preventing me from delivering my column last week, there was another milestone from that round against Blighty we did not get a chance to recognise and celebrate.

All it seemed to take was the support of their friends and their fellow club men and women for the Mathoura fourths football side to deliver their best result in quite some time.

They seemed a different team all together as they ran onto the ground for the game against Blighty.

Supporters lined up to cheer them on and their enthusiasm grew.

As the game progressed, the scoreboard was in Mathoura’s favour.

Their enthusiasm grew even more, resulting in a win.

But it wasn’t just any winning score - it was the Mathoura fourth’s first win in four years.

And what celebrations that caused, into the clubroom to sing the club song for starters.

Um what song? It didn’t take long for the club and other supporters to print out the lyrics, glue them on sticks and hand them around so the song was sung with gusto.

Well done lads.