
Barrie Irvine named Benalla Citizen of the Year 2023

Double winner: Barrie Irvine was named Benalla Rural City Citizen of the Year for 2023, and Thoona Achiever of the Year. Photo by Simon Ruppert

Thoona’s Barrie Irvine has had a great start to 2023, being named Benalla Rural City Citizen of the Year as well as Thoona Achiever of the Year.

Mr Irvine told the Ensign he wasn’t even aware he’d been nominated until the morning of Australia Day.

“It felt amazing to hear my name read out,” Mr Irvine said.

He said to win the awards, and for the small community of Thoona to be recognised as a result, was amazing.

“But volunteering is something dozens of people in Thoona do.

“I’m not sure if I’ll celebrate, I didn’t have any plans as I didn’t know I was nominated.”

Barrie’s achievements include:

  • Thoona CFA member for more than 50 years, holding multiple positions including captain from 1996-2000 and strike team leader;
  • Maintained the Thoona streets and reserve for 10 years, slashing grass to keep the town tidy and fire-safe;
  • State Emergency Service Benalla member for 12 years. Attending training and training exercises over many weekends. Barrie has attended multiple incidents, including car accidents, search and rescue callouts and flood evacuations;
  • Thoona Primary School involvement over 11 years through working bees including major garden beatification projects and school sports;
  • National Service Association Benalla/Wangaratta committee member. Barrie held executive positions of treasurer and secretary, cut and donated wood for annual raffle fundraisers, sourced funding to allow for group activities and organised club bus trips to various destinations;
  • Taking part in organising the Anzac Day Ceremony at Thoona War Memorial: Barrie is a key organiser of the ceremony and activities, with a focus on those that have served Australia;
  • Benalla Camera Club member: He has assisted to submit photos of the local area to be judged by Cooinda to decorate the walls for residents to enjoy; and
  • Thoona Hall Committee member: He is active with maintenance of the building and providing equipment to assist with working bees

Congratulations from everyone at the Ensign.