
Be brave and make a change this Reconciliation Week

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Time for change: Recently appointed Njernda Aboriginal Corporation chief executive Tracey Dillon says National Reconciliation Week presents an opportunity for community members to reflect on the need for healing. Photo by Contributed

Njernda Aboriginal Corporation chief executive Tracey Dillon believes National Reconciliation Week is a time to make greater actions to support First Nations people.

This year’s theme for the week, beginning on Friday, May 27, is ‘Be Brave, Make A Change’, challenging people from Echuca-Moama to reflect on practical approaches that address and facilitate healing within First Nations communities.

It’s a theme Ms Dillon said she was passionate about because it encouraged people to commit to making greater actions in a bid to achieve reconciliation.

“Reconciliation Week presents everyone with the opportunity to be a part of that healing process,” she said.

“Reconciliation cannot be a one-way street — it’s a challenge for all of us to drive change and make brave actions in our daily lives, whether that be at work, at home or socially.”

Ms Dillon explained that reconciliation was centred on building positive, respectful and long-lasting relationships with First Nations people.

“By working together, we can achieve a really important shared goal — closing the gap and achieving a sense of justice and understanding,” she said.

Ms Dillon said connecting with external organisations such as the police, schools, health services, community groups and local business to facilitate change was high on her priority list.

“My goal is always to open the pathway for conversations that will create more cultural safety within the services, businesses and groups that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people access, patronise, are part of and work in,” she said.

“We need to be working cohesively towards a common goal. I’m challenging local organisations and the people that I meet to join in with measures at a practical level, from looking at opportunities to employing local Aboriginal people or to adopting a Reconciliation Action Plan.

“We are open to partnering with the community at every level to achieve practical reconciliation in not just our Echuca-Moama communities, but beyond that too.”

Community members have been invited to attend a National Reconciliation Week flag-raising ceremony, hosted by Campaspe Shire Council and Njernda, at Hopwood Gardens this Friday, May 27 from 10am.

Ms Dillon encouraged community members to attend the event in what could be the first step towards committing to making positive change this National Reconciliation Week.

“As this year’s theme says: be brave, make a change,” she said.

National Reconciliation Week runs from Friday, May 27 to Friday, June 3.