
Be safe as Murray cod season opens

Fish safely: Victorian Fisheries Authority's James Milne, Goulburn-Murray Water's Cameron Edge and Goulburn Valley Water's Ricky Bertoli.

Anglers are being urged to plan ahead this Murray cod season, with some popular waterways potentially unsafe following October’s floods.

Murray cod season opens on December 1 each year after a three-month breeding period and Victorian Fisheries Authority chief executive officer Travis Dowling encourages those thinking of heading out with a rod to put safety first.

“This season’s opening day will be unusual with dozens of popular waterways flood affected and potentially unsafe, even for shore-based freshwater fishers,” Mr Dowling said.

“We urge everyone to plan ahead, do their homework on river conditions and, if in doubt, head to safer destinations such as Lake Eildon, Taylors Lake near Horsham, or Rocklands Reservoir out west.

“We all love Murray cod and season opening is a social occasion on the calendar, but it’s not worth risking the safety of loved ones including family and friends.”

Mr Dowling said track and road closures could also mean favourite spots for season opening would be inaccessible or suitable for four-wheel drives only.

“There is a lot of information about the condition of tracks, boat ramps, lakes and rivers, so now is the time to jump online, get informed about the prevailing conditions and short-list your options,” he said.

Check VicTraffic for road closures, VicEmergency and the Bureau of Meteorology for the latest weather and flood warnings, the Boating Vic app for boat ramp status and conditions and Parks Victoria for track and park closures.