
Behind the scenes with Cobram Barooga Golf Club greenkeeper

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Vital work: Cobram Barooga Golf Club’s Cameron Isedale. Photo by Contributed

Some people work in stuffy offices all day.

But Cameron Isedale doesn’t have that problem.

Mr Isedale works as a greenkeeper at Cobram Barooga Golf Club, with his primary job being to make the golfing course look perfect.

This sees him do everything from mowing to irrigation works, to making the bunkers suitable.

“Working outside, it’s amazing,” Mr Isedale said.

Mr Isedale’s journey to becoming a greens keeper began in high school when he did work experience at Cobram Barooga Golf Club before being offered an apprenticeship.

For him, the club is a great workplace, and he praised the dedication of the workers and the positive work environment.

For Mr Isedale, seeing the result of the work he and his colleagues put in is the best part of the job.

“(Best part of my job is) looking back and seeing the finished product of the golf course itself, seeing it in good condition, seeing some really good golf played on it,” he said.

Mr Isedale’s passion and pride in his work saw him temporarily reassigned to the Victorian PGA Championships at Moonah Links Golf Course on the Mornington Peninsula.

Asked how he ended up at such a prestigious competition so far from Cobram/Barooga, Mr Isedale credits his boss.

“Earlier in the year, my boss took me over to the Victorian Superintendents Association trade day, and from that, we met the superintendent from Moonah Links Golf Course,” he said.

“Through talking, my boss organised me to go down to work for the week at the Victorian PGA Championship.”

For Mr Isedale, the best part was working at a different location and seeing how things are done at another establishment.

“It’s just phenomenal to get that experience and to work with a different team,” he said.

For Mr Isedale, watching the Victorian PGA Championships on the TV and knowing that he worked to make the course picture perfect filled him with immense pride.

Asked whether he would recommend anyone to follow in his footsteps, Mr Isedale said being a greenkeeper is perfect for those who like variety.

“You get to work outside, and the beauty is that you’re not doing the same things day after day.”