
Benalla author’s book published by Australian Geographic

Published: Meghan Lindsay with her book Wild Words. Photo by Contributed

Growing up in Benalla, Meghan Lindsay was always fascinated with the local wildlife.

Even more so, the little facts she would learn about different species.

After finishing school, she followed that passion and studied for a degree in environmental science.

After taking on several roles related to her degree, including managing projects to protect endangered species and managing nature reserves, she decided what she really wanted to do was to tell nature’s story.

“I wanted to do my bit to help people connect with nature and learn about how amazing it is,” Ms Lindsay said.

“I wasn’t sure how to do that, so I went back to uni to study Communication at Deakin.

“That’s when I stumbled across this amazing opportunity to write a book called Wild Words with Australian Geographic.”

Despite having already released her first published book, Ms Lindsay is still doing that course and is looking forward to graduating soon.

“It’s a great book for anyone wanting to learn more about nature and our amazing wildlife,” she said.

“It’s essentially a dictionary of scientific terms plus some awesome fun facts about different wildlife.

“I got to include some of my favourite wildlife like lyrebirds, sea slugs and jumping spiders.

“It’s got heaps of pictures in there, too.”

Ms Lindsay said the book is aimed at high school-aged students, but she’s had lots of older people tell her they enjoyed it.

She said she hoped her journey from schooling in Benalla to being a published author could inspire students in the Rose City.

“My three tips are firstly, to follow your passion. That's been really important for me,” she said.

“Secondly, it’s never too late to change your mind. If you’re not sure what you want to do, just explore different things.

“And if you end up doing something and decide it’s not quite the right fit, like what happened to me, it’s never too late to explore other options.

“And thirdly, surround yourself with others who share your passion.

“Networking is a great way to open doors and opportunities, and also leads to some lovely friendships with like-minded people.”

You can pick up a copy of Wild Words from a variety of online and in-person bookshops, including