Benalla Bowls Club present local SES unit with $500 donation

Generous: Benalla Bowls Club presented members of the Benalla VICSES unit with a cheque for $500. Photo by Contributed

Every September members of Benalla SES Unit take part in a Step it up Challenge competing against other units across the state.

An SES spokesperson said to celebrate its win for 2022 members were treated to a barbecue dinner and barefoot bowls at Benalla Bowls Club — where they generously presented (the unit) with a cheque for $500.

“Thanks heaps to the crew at Benalla Bowls Club for hosting us and the generous donation,” the spokesperson said.

“And thanks to the VICSES Health and Wellbeing team for a great evening.

“To our community, you can rest assured that our rescue skills are much better than our bowling (skills).”