
Benalla Bushwalkers get back to hiking — part one.

Back to their roots: The Benalla Bushwalkers have ditched the canoes and bikes and taken scenic hikes in recent weeks. Photo by Contributed

During the past few weeks the Benalla Bushwalkers have been doing some actual walking, rather than the boating and biking as reported in an earlier article.

The club has had two overnight hikes into the High Country plus a weekend camp to Mitta Mitta, the latter being particularly successful, with 10 participants enjoying the nearby trails and the hospitality of the local pub.

Late in March, Helen Spinks took a group on what was to be a three-day hike to three of the huts in the High Country and included a section of the iconic Australian Alps Walking Track, which winds its way from Walhalla to Tharwa in the ACT, covering 650km.

But as Ms Spinks said, sometimes the best laid plans can fall apart.

“We left our vehicles at the Rocky Valley Dam on the Tuesday and in the lovely afternoon sunshine, made our way to Johnston Hut,” Ms Spinks said.

“We made an overnight camp along with some trekkers from Sydney and a group of crimson rosellas busily cracking gumnuts above our tents.

“The next day we continued on, to Roper Hut, meeting two school groups and a couple who were walking the Alps Track. Our mountain trails are certainly popular.

“Then, as can happen quite quickly in the mountains, rain and wind came in during the night, with the wind really roaring through the trees.

“The next morning, the plan was to walk to Edmonson Hut, which is on a side-trail on the way back to Rocky Valley Dam.

“But with the rain now horizontal, we took a vote and decided to just make our way back to the vehicles, even though we were all pretty snug in our wet-weather gear.

“The golden rule when walking the alpine areas is always carry quality wet-weather clothing; the weather can change so quickly.

“Back at the cars we elected to go into Falls Creek for hot showers and lunch, then home.

“So, although the rain shortened our walk, it was still a great couple of days in the mountains with good company, the backpack and the views.”

Keep an eye out on for part two.