Benalla Bushwalkers get back to hiking — part three

Back on track: The Benalla Bushwalkers have ditched the canoes and bikes and enjoyed scenic hikes in recent weeks. Photo by Contributed

Recently Wendy Baker was the hike leader for a weekend camp to Mitta Mitta.

Her walkers made their own way to the village and set up in the caravan park before sitting down to an evening meal at the pub.

This became quite a social evening, with a mixture of locals and other holiday makers.

The next day, Ms Baker took her walkers to the summit of Mt Wills, after leaving their vehicles at the Tallangatta ski lodge.

“This is another of my favourite walks, with Mt Wills being one of those summits from where you can see forever in every direction,” Ms Baker said.

“(The views were) spectacular from various points on the track, as well as from the summit.

“We ate our lunches while taking in the view before making our way back to the cars and returning to Mitta Mitta for the second night.

“The following morning we did some exploring closer to the village, including the old gold diggings and the site where the gold diggers literally washed away the side of the hill with their sluicing.

“It was so much to see in these former gold mining villages.

"That afternoon, some of the walkers went off to do their own thing, including staying on in the caravan park, while most of us made our way home.

“It was a good weekend.”