
Benalla Bushwalkers get back to hiking — part two

The great outdoors: The Benalla Bushwalkers have ditched the canoes and bikes and taken some scenic hikes in recent weeks. Photo by Contributed

In mid-April Gill Sydes took a small group on an overnight Hike to Tawonga Hut.

“This hike was billed as an easy overnighter for members who, for one reason or another, had not experienced hiking,” Ms Sydes said.

“Where one straps on a somewhat heavier pack carrying everything you’ll need for the duration of the hike,’’ she said.

"It was a successful and easy overnight hike and I find it quite rewarding to introduce young and not so young people to the pleasure in strapping on your pack and heading off for anything up to several days.

“Hiking in the High Country is just so enjoyable.

“We left the cars at Pretty Valley Pondage and set off for Tawonga latish in the afternoon but giving us plenty of time to walk in and set up before the light started to fade.

“(This gave us) time to help anyone who needed help in getting their tent set up, although the modern dome-style tents are very user friendly.

“There was some wood available for a fire for cooking our dinner and in due course some marshmallows were toasted before turning in for the night.

“The next morning, we had a leisurely start, cooked some breakfast on the campfire, allowed the tents to dry from the overnight dew before packing up and making our way back to our vehicles.

“On the way back we came across a small mob of brumbies, peacefully grazing the mountain pasture beside the trail.

“A couple of my walkers were quite enthralled by this encounter and the horses were not greatly disturbed by our presence.

“I guess they regularly see humans walking by and have become comfortable with us.”