
Benalla Camera Club’s June competition focuses on fauna

Joe Burke's photo Mother and Child won first place in Benalla Camera Club's June competition’s Open Colours category. Photo by Joe Bourke

Members of the Benalla Camera Club are known for capturing stunning, creative images of the north-east.

For its June competition club members were able to enter photos in three different categories, and the results were as spectacular as you’d expect.

Mike O'Connor's Meerkat Manner won the monochrome category in Benalla Camera Club's June competition.

First place in the Open Colour competition was won by Joe Bourke, with his image Mother and Child.

In the Open Monochrome category first place was awarded to Mike O'Connor for Meerkat Manner.

Helen Repacholi took out the Native Fauna category in Benalla Camera Club's June competition with her photo Flying Fox. Photo by Helen Repacholi

The themed competition this month was Native Fauna. This competition was won by Helen Repacholi with her image Flying Fox.

The competition was judged by Paul Lucas, from Knox Photographic Society.

Find out more by visiting Benalla Camera Club on Facebook.