
Benalla celebrates SES as part of Wear Orange Wednesday

Celebrating SES: Benalla SES members Andrew Ingliss, Graham Milner and David Wallace with BWS assistant store manager Pam Scott. Photo by Simon Ruppert

Benalla State Emergency Services Volunteers were outside BWS on Arundel St on Wednesday, May 17 and Friday, May 19.

Members were tin rattling for donations to assist the valuable work they do in the community as part of Wear Orange Wednesday.

On Wear Orange Wednesday, SES encourages communities to wear orange and thank all SES volunteers who generously give their time to help communities during emergencies.

BWS assistant store manager Pam Scott said it was great to be able to support Benalla SES every year on Wear Orange Wednesday.

"I think it’s very important for us to support them,“ Ms Scott said.

“They support us through all the issues we have like the recent floods. They were the people we were all calling for help in October.

“For us to be able to spend a few hours of the day to let them set up to get some donations I think is very valuable.”

Benalla SES member Graham Milner said the SES appreciated the support from BWS, and the community.

“Thank you to everyone who helps us out and has been able to make a donation,“ Mr Milner said.

“These donations help us support the community in times of need, be it a flood, storm, motor vehicle accident, all those sorts of situations.”

Mr Milner said that much like all emergency services at the moment, SES was looking for new members.

If you would like to volunteer with SES, or to find out more information, visit