
Benalla centenarian Ormy fights for dental access

Reasing out: State Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland with Alfred 'Ormy' Hall. Photo by Contributed

If you’ve made it to 101 years old the least you could expect is that your basic medical needs are a met.

However, Benalla’s Alfred ‘Ormy’ Hall has been forced to reach out to State Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland to ask for help getting to a dentist.

Ms Cleeland met with Ormy at Estia Health’s Aged Care facility, where he resides, to discuss his concerns over a lack of dental options for aged care residents.

Mr Hall’s issues stem from the fact he is no longer physically able to make a trip outside of the facility.

Ms Cleeland said there was previously a community dental clinic at Benalla Health, however, this service was recently moved to Wangaratta, causing undue hardship for may who previously utilised this valuable community asset.

A state government spokesperson, however, said there is a public dental clinic in Benalla, but it was only open on a Friday.

Ms Cleeland said she was impressed by Ormy’s determination, and has now begun the push for a travelling dentist to visit Estia.

“Speaking with Ormy, I was surprised to hear many residents had not been able to access dental services in quite some time,” Ms Cleeland said.

“His ability to push hard for what’s right and campaign for this issue is truly remarkable for someone approaching his 102nd birthday.

“Getting a travelling dentist into the facility would not only help Ormy, but allow several other residents to receive some additional care that they have not been able to get.

“I want to sincerely thank Ormy for bringing this to my attention, it is a privilege to fight for matters like this that will directly help members of our community.”

Ms Cleeland has written to the Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers, calling for any government assistance to ensure some of the community’s most vulnerable people had access to an essential service like a dentist.

“After a decade of neglect from the previous Liberal National Government, and ongoing disruption caused by the pandemic, we’re working to support those Victorians who need public dental care as quickly as possible,” the government spokesperson said.

“The Victorian Budget 2023/24 invested more than $250 million for dental services.

“We are also working to increase the dental healthcare workforce, last year announcing the $3 million dental assistants’ traineeships initiative, creating 100 dental assistant jobs.

“Northeast Health Wangaratta continues to offer public dental services in Benalla, however opening hours are temporarily limited due to workforce shortages - Northeast Health Wangaratta is working with Dental Health Services Victoria to recruit people to fill these gaps.“