
Benalla community rallies to support local homelessness response group’s vital work

Benalla Homelessness Response Group president Kate Holmes addressed a full house at Benalla Library on Wednesday, August 21. Photo by Simon Ruppert

It was standing room only at Benalla Library on Wednesday, August 21.

True to form, the community turned out in numbers to hear about the work the Benalla Homelessness Response Group is undertaking.

BHRG president Kate Holmes welcomed those in attendance and spoke of the importance of its ongoing work, which is all done by volunteers.

She spoke about the great work done by the Wangaratta Night Shelter, members of BHRG have been volunteering, and about how a similar shelter would work in Benalla.

“We're seeking to create a space to compassionately support those in our community who are in need,” Ms Holmes said.

“This is a community-based effort. We incorporated last year, but these things take a little bit of time.

“We were given a stepping stones grant from the Tomorrow Today Foundation.

“And I'd just like to acknowledge that wonderful grant which enabled our members to attend the Victorian Homelessness Conference, put together by the Council for Homeless People.

“We also were able to attend the Stable One Conference in Melbourne, which is the conference that brings together the network of night shelters.

“In these conferences, we learned a lot. We got to hear the stories of other organisations and how they have approached homelessness.”

Ms Holmes said one thing that was important to share was the definition of homelessness.

“Homelessness is not just rooflessness,” she said.

“Homelessness is sometimes rough sleeping, and often times it's being in a dwelling that is inadequate.

“So it's not just without a roof. It's crowded accommodation, unstable tenure, staying with friends, family, or being in short-term crisis accommodation, shelters, emergency accommodation for those escaping from domestic violence or partner violence.”

There are currently 368 people seeking housing in Benalla, who will all be in one of those situations.

While it is worth noting, some will be currently living in other areas, seeking to relocate to Benalla.

However, it is those who need a roof over their heads locally that are the focus of BHRG in the short term as it looks to replicate something similar to Wangaratta’s Night Shelter.

Following Ms Holmes’s speech several speakers spoke of the importance of addressing the issue, including Ben Thomas, who is manager of Community Services at the Rural City of Wangaratta.

He outlined the different ways it had assisted homeless people, including free laundry facilities and lockers for people to keep their possessions safe.

BHRG is alwasy seeking volunteers. If you are in a position to help, or would like to learn more, visit Benalla Homelessness Response Group - BHRG Inc on Facebook.