
Benalla Festival prepares for take off by adding airshow to this year’s program of events

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Flying start: (left to right) Benalla Festival chair Don Firth, Benalla Rural City Mayor Bernie Hearn and Gliding Club of Victoria’s Bruce Cowan at the announcement that an airshow will be added to this year’s Benalla Festival.

The return of the Benalla Festival in 2022 will see the skies above the airport buzzing with activity as it hosts the city’s first ever airshow.

Benalla Rural City Council is working closely with the Gliding Club of Victoria to deliver the event, which will be held on the first weekend of the Benalla Festival, on Saturday, November 5 from 9am to 4pm.

“The Gliding Club of Victoria has chosen the Benalla Festival as a perfect platform to hold this historic event,” Benalla Rural City Mayor Bernie Hearn said.

“Our festival is a community occasion that celebrates and embraces all that is great about our region and we are excited to work with the Gliding Club of Victoria to bring an airshow to our community,” Cr Hearn said.

The Benalla Airshow event facilitator, the Gliding Club of Victoria’s Bruce Cowan, said the event would be a celebration of the club’s long history in the region.

“As 2022 marks the 70th anniversary of the Gliding Club of Victoria being located in Benalla, it seems fitting to bring an airshow to Benalla and it makes perfect sense to tie this in with the return of the festival,” he said.

“The club commenced operating in 1929 and had a number of homes around Melbourne until moving to Benalla in 1952. The council of the day generously granted the club the use of a hangar and a hut to be used as a clubhouse.

“We would like to celebrate this occasion by saying thank you to the city of Benalla.”

The Benalla Festival Advisory Committee has embraced the airshow as part of the 2022 program of events, which is expected to attract between 7000 and 8000 people.

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