
Benalla hero runs into burning house to save dogs — now he needs your help

Benalla's Warren Hunter-Barton is in hospital with burns to 20 per cent of his body. Photo by Contributed

When Benalla’s Warren Hunter Barton was woken by smoke from a house fire, he quickly alerted his house mate before running outside — only to realise the dogs were still in there.

With no thought for his own safety, Warren ran inside to try and save his beloved 12-month-old puppy Martix.

Sadly, he could not. However, thanks to his action, several of the home’s dogs did escape, along with both occupants.

Sadly, Hunter now has burns to 20 per cent of his body.

The fire occurred in the early hours of July 27, and Hunter was airlifted to hospital in Melbourne that night.

His family members are now having to foot the bill to stay in Melbourne with him. There are costs associated with his treatment and recovery, and he has lost everything.

His family has started an online fundraiser through with a target of $10,000.

The reality is, he may need a lot more than that. At the time of writing this article, only $965 has been raised.

Benalla is one of the most generous communities in Australia. If ever there was a time to dig deep, it is now.

Access the fundraiser via

Warren's mum, Rett Hunter, spoke to the Ensign from Melbourne and said he is still in the ICU.

“He’s at the start of a long journey,” she said.

“He’s in and out of consciousness.”

Rett and Warren’s Dad, Brenden Barton, are currently staying with him.

“We’ve got friends helping, but I’m still numb,” Rett Said.

“A relative set up the My Cause page. We weren’t expecting to get anything from anyone, so that has been a big help.

“The Benalla community always comes together in times of tragedy.”