
Benalla Library welcomes Cath Warnock for Kisses From Nanna launch

Talented: Benalla’s Cath Warnock has penned a children’s book, which she will launch at Benalla Library in December. Photo by Contributed

When Cath Warnock retired from Tomorrow Today, she took away years of knowledge of children’s books and what youngsters liked to be read.

She also had a comprehensive knowledge of what types of children’s literature best assisted their development and bonds with their parents.

When COVID lockdowns became a thing, she also had the heartache of not seeing her four grandchildren as much as she’d like.

One day, she sat down and penned a short book she called Kisses From Nanna to read to her grandchildren when she got an opportunity to see them.

Cath, who has since moved to Hastings, now works part-time in the office of Victorian MP and former actor Paul Mercurio.

One day, she brought the book into work to show colleagues what she’d been up to and was asked by several where they could buy a copy.

So she got in touch with a publisher, created the illustrations and Kisses From Nanna is now available to purchase.

“This is the first children’s book I’ve written,” Cath said.

“I helped set up Tomorrow Today’s PEEP (Parent’s Early Education Partnership) program, which has a strong focus on learning and parents.

“One of the things about working with small kids is it can be tricky, as they have limited attention spans.”

Cath said because of this, one of the criteria the PEEP team used to select books for the program was their length — and it also helped guide her when writing the book.

Kisses From Nanna is pretty short and is suited to 18-month to three-year-olds, although it may appeal to older children as well,” she said.

“And while the title includes the word nanna, I want to stress that it’s suitable for grannys, nonnas and any grandparent, regardless of what the kids call them.

“Nanna is only mentioned once in the title.”

Cath will be back in Benalla on Friday, December 8, where she will launch the book at Benalla Library’s story time from 10.30am.

Kisses From Nanna will be available to purchase at the launch for $20. Alternatively, you can buy the book online via