
Benalla P-12 College to receive bushfire funding

Benalla P-12 College is one of 100 across Victoria to receive funding to ensure it is prepared in the event of a bushfire. Photo by Simon Ruppert

Benalla P-12 College will receive funding to reduce the risk of fire under a new Victorian Government initiative to ensure schools are well prepared for the upcoming bushfire season.

State Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes said close to 100 northern Victorian schools were among 332 government schools across 348 campuses that would share in $8.412 million to carry out essential maintenance work through the Bushfire Preparedness (Vegetation) Program.

“This funding means that our staff and students can feel safe and prepared during the warmer months, and hopefully these works can ease any worries they may have during bushfire season,” Ms Symes said.

The program was introduced in 2018 to help schools undertake essential vegetation clearance around school buildings prior to the bushfire season and in accordance with municipal fire danger periods.

Schools receiving funds are listed on the Bushfire at Risk Register, with the work aimed at mitigating the risk of harm to the school’s community and buildings in the event of a bushfire.

The BPVP also provides a School Support Program, where an accredited Bushfire Planning and Design consultant visits a school twice a year to help it prepare for the upcoming bushfire season while also making sure it completes a Vegetation Management Plan every three years.