
Benalla police officer appeals obstruction conviction

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Withdrawn: The conviction was successfully appealed. Photo by Getty Images

A Benalla police officer has successfully appealed her conviction for obstructing an authorised officer and has had her legal costs paid by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

Anne Sloan had her conviction and sentence overturned at the Melbourne County Court in August 2022.

Ms Sloan had pleaded not guilty to the charge in 2021 at the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court but was ultimately convicted and fined $1000.

The charge related to an allegation Ms Sloan had attempted to hide two mobile phone SIM cards from DELWP officers, during a search of a rural property near Benalla in 2019.

The magistrates’ court had heard Ms Sloan handed the cards over to a DELWP officer at their insistence, and nothing of use was found when the cards were examined.

The officers were investigating the alleged poisoning deaths of dozens of wedge-tailed eagles, over which another person is facing charges.

No deceased wildlife were found on Ms Sloan’s property at Goomalibee, and no allegations were made against Ms Sloan or her husband in relation to the destruction of wildlife.

The charge was withdrawn and DELWP agreed to pay costs of $40,000 to Ms Sloan.

Ms Sloan thanked those who offered their support during the legal process.