
Benalla RSL seek assistance to name unidentified soldier

Mystery: Can you assist the Benalla RSL sub-branch to put a name to this face? Photo by Contributed

The Benalla RSL sub-branch is on a mission to put a name to a photo recently discovered in its archives.

Member Graeme Morris said while they could tell a lot from this photo, they needed help to identify the man pictured.

“It was taken before 1943 because the hat is unbrimmed, and not stitched up,” Mr Morris said.

“And he’s a member of the second 24th battalion, Wangaratta zone.

“And we know someone ordering four copies, which implies he has passed away, perhaps in the middle east or Greece.”

If you can help the RSL identify the man pictured, phone the sub-branch on 5762 1118 or email