
Benalla RSL thanks Schneider Electric for Anzac appeal support

Grateful: Benalla RSL's Eugene Hodson (left) and president Paul Hartland present Schneider acting plant director Sylvain Cattaier with a certificate thanking the company for assisting this year's Anzac appeal. Photo by Simon Ruppert

Benalla RSL presented a certificate to Schneider Electric on Friday, September 8, to say thanks for assisting this year’s Anzac appeal.

RSL sub-branch president Paul Hartland and member Eugene Hodson joined Schneider employees at their weekly barbecue.

“Thanks very much for allowing us to be here today,” Mr Hodson said.

“Each year the numbers of members of Benalla RSL are dwindling.

“We’ve now lost nearly all the member here from the First World War, and many from WWII are no loner with us.”

The company, on Sydney Rd, had not only allowed a stall selling badges on its premises but also allowed some employees to step away from the facility and sell badges for RSL.

“Any way I can increase the number of people sitting down selling badges I’ll take it,” Mr Hodson said at the barbecue.

“When we were told you (Schneider) had this scheme that allowed you to take some time off work and help out we were really excited.

“And we appreciate all your help.”

In presenting the certificate to acting plant director Sylvain Cattaier, Mr Hartland told the gathered employees they should all be proud.

“This certificate is signed by the state president of RSL, and its CEO,” Mr Hartland said.

“It’s so nice that Schneider was willing to help us.

“It is getting harder and harder to find volunteers. Many have passed, and others are getting too old to be sat there in the cold selling badges.”

Mr Hartland said he would love to see more younger veterans join the Benalla RSL Sub-Branch.

“We are opening the RSL hall up on Mondays from 9.30am to 2pm for any younger veterans to come in for a cup of coffee.

“They don’t have to join, or be a member. Just come in, sit down and talk.

“If they’d like to join that is great, if not, no harm done.”