
Benalla station and Ensign raise funds for Tomorrow Today

Generous: Tomorrow Today executive officer Rosie Koop receiving $230 from sales of Watermark from Benalla Train Station's Bruce Soding. Photo by Simon Ruppert

Staff at Benalla Train Station have been selling copies of Watermark, a beautiful book of photos and poetry chronicling Benalla’s 1993 floods.

It features visual images taken by Dennis Hayes and words by Deborah A Lindsay.

When the Ensign moved office in 2021, three boxes of these books were discovered buried in a store room.

In the ensuing months, between the train station and the Ensign office, two boxes full of books have been sold.

This week the last box was delivered to the Benalla station, and staff presented Tomorrow Today executive officer Rosie Koop with $230.

The Ensign also donated another $109 to add to the $180 it donated from sales of the book six months ago.

The Ensign would like to thank everyone who bought a copy from the Ensign office, and Benalla station; as well as those who gave an extra donation.

Ms Koop said the support the community showed for Tomorrow Today was amazing.

“The proceeds from this will go to our community fund which continues to give back every year in the form of community grants,” Ms Koop said.

“We’re really thrilled we get so much support. We’re really grateful.

“I was just talking to some of our staff and they said they’ve bought copies.

“And the book is just beautiful, the photos are magnificent and the poems are lovely.

“Thank you so much to everyone for thinking of us and directing this money our way.

“We’ll certainly use it for the benefit of the Benalla community,” she said.

Copies of Watermark, by Dennis Hayes and Deborah A Lindsay, are still available from the Ensign office at 70 Bridge St East, and at Benalla Train Station.

The price is a donation, with a minimum cost of $5.