Benalla Sustainable Future Group — helping to make the Rose City more liveable

Proud moment: Christine Holmes, Peter Holmes, Georgie Donaldson, Glenys Gill and Kathy Murphy in 2021 celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the Benalla Food Co-operative opening. Photo by Simon Ruppert

For more than a decade, Benalla Sustainable Future Group has been actively seeking to put in place facilities and plans to allow the community to better cope with the challenges of climate change.

BSFG has established action groups, enabling people to focus on their various areas of interest and expertise.

The following is a brief outline of each of the groups, but if people wish to find out more about a group that is of interest, visit or email

BSFG’s Peter Holmes said that in the coming weeks the Ensign would be publishing further articles outlining future actions for its various groups.

“So we encourage readers to take note of these, and hopefully act upon the information provided,” he said.

Food Co-operative

Operates four sessions each month from the Uniting Church hall in Carrier St, selling non-perishable food products (eg grains, seeds, nuts, dried fruits, flours, sugars, legumes, rices, tea and coffee, spices, oils, honey).

The ethos of the co-operative is to reduce packaging in food sales as members bring their own containers to fill, supporting local and Australian growers and suppliers.

It stocks high-quality, mainly organic, products, giving members a choice, which is often not available elsewhere with pre-packaged goods.

Renewable Energy Benalla

REB has raised funds to install solar systems on two local kindergartens, run public information sessions about energy efficiency measures for homes, and investigated larger scale community energy projects.

Plasticwise Benalla

It has campaigned for reduction and abolition of single-use plastics (eg replacing supermarket shopping bags with attractive long-lasting handmade cloth bags, replacing plastic water bottles with drink stations).

Waste Action Group

WAG is helping to find ways of reducing the type and amount of waste that is sent to landfill. It is looking into providing specific recycling collection boxes for the “harder to recycle” items people have finished with.

Connected and Engaged Community

Organises opportunities for people to come together to discuss issues of common interest (eg Empathy Café series, establishing a community hub).

Greening and Cooling Benalla

This group aims to work with council to establish more green spaces in our neighbourhoods, especially in new housing subdivisions.

These can be recreational or relaxing places to meet, with the important benefits of cooling our warming climate.

This group is also concerned about streetscape plans for the city and townships.

Sustainable Farming Practices

This aims to encourage farmers and landowners to engage in regenerative farming practices through a series of forums and on-farm demonstrations.

Ecological, Sustainable Planning and Development

This has similar goals to the greening and cooling group, but also encompasses passive solar design principles for housing, something a lot of developers and builders have been reluctant to pursue.