
Benalla tutor and businesswoman up for three awards

Benalla's Kylie Mort is up for two business awards, and one for her book Little People Big Emotions.
Recognised: Benalla's Kylie Mort is up for two business awards, and one for her book Little People Big Emotions. Photo by Contributed

Benalla’s Kylie Mort is up for three accolades — two business awards, and one for her latest book.

In March 2020, facing the prospect of trading through COVID, Ms Mort closed the Carrier St office where she tutored local youngsters, to move the business online.

Having specialised in face-to-face coaching, she began to research additional strategies that would ensure she could continue to “read the room” when the room was now virtual.

Ms Mort now specialises in online coaching having worked hard to maximise student growth and development through remote platforms during the past two-and-a-half years.

“(I focus) on a specific range of resources developed to support visual, verbal, written and kinesthetic learners, adapting (my) delivery for the unique needs of each student,” Ms Mort said.

“Of these ... (I am) most proud of both the illustrated children’s book that is gaining traction in schools and libraries and the How to Write with Kylie Mort free app.”

That is currently available from the Google Play and the Apple App Store.

Ms Mort’s book Little People Big Emotions was written in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, when young people were innocently swept into a new world of isolation, anxiety, and upheaval.

“They are the innocent victims who are suffering and will continue to suffer the consequences emotionally, physically, and financially,” Ms Mort said.

“In December 2020, the little people of Victoria had endured months locked away in their homes, locked away from their friends and futures. And 2021 saw them repeatedly locked up, over and over again.

“So much of their suffering is because they do not have the internal resources and comprehension to deal with how the world affects them.

“They cannot discern between the bad things that happen to them and the role they play in these events.

“This book was written to empower (them) with the internal resilience and strength to maintain hope and a positive mindset, now and into the future.”

Ms Mort has also written a nine-page study guide which supports teachers, parents, and caregivers to use in conjunction, with explanation of themes, literary devices, and follow-up activities suitable for the classroom and the home.

Ms Mort is now an official finalist in the 2022 Roar Awards and is looking to take home the title of Coach of the Year and New Product Innovation for her smart phone app.

Needless to say, she has no plans to slow down, and her commitment to empowering young people is as strong as ever.

On top of those she is also up for an ABLE book award.

Winners will be announced at the gala dinner and awards at the Melbourne Crown Complex on October 8.

The winners of the 2022 Roar Awards will be announced at the official presentation evening on Saturday, November 19, at the Smoked Garage in Brisbane.

To learn more about Ms Mort’s writing and resources visit or contact her on socials at @kyliemort22 or email