
Benalla welcomes its newest Aussie citizens

Inclusive: Benalla Rural City Mayor Bernie Hearn, Giro Frammartino, Sapna Sisodia, Andres Montalvo Suarez, Melodie and Jeremie Boulanger with their son, and Rachel Stevens. Photo by Contributed

Benalla Rural City welcomed six new Australian Citizens at a ceremony held at the Benalla Art Gallery on Thursday, October 6.

The Citizenship Ceremony is the final step in the journey to become an Australian citizen, it fulfils requirements under Australian citizenship law and provides an opportunity for council to officially welcome its new citizens.

Those taking part in the ceremony hailed from Italy, India, Ecuador, France and the United Kingdom.

Mayor Bernie Hearn said the ceremony for Giro Frammartino, Sapna Sisodia, Andres Montalvo Suarez, Melodie and Jeremie Boulanger and Rachel Stevens marked an important milestone in their life’s journey.

“Citizenship ceremonies are wonderful events and it is fantastic to see people from all over the world choosing to make Australia and Benalla Rural City their home,” Cr Hearn said.

“It was my privilege to preside over the ceremony and to welcome our newest citizens in front of their family and friends.”

Citizenship ceremonies involve candidates pledging support for Australia by reciting an affirmation or oath, receiving their citizenship certificate and gift of a native plant to mark the occasion.

The ceremony was conducted by Benalla Rural City Council on behalf of the Department of Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs and was attended by State Member for Indi Helen Haines.